Knitting And Kittens

I mentioned a few weeks ago that we had rescued a teeny kitten. Well, she isn’t so teeny anymore. She is now nearly 3 pounds! She tears through the house with wanton abandon wreaking havoc with every bounce. Which is great! She’s healthy (Vet checked, tested and approved!) and active and adorable. However, I also decided to find something I could do with my hands…I chose knitting. With a kitten. Brilliant!.

I have so. many. knitters. on my social media and I have always wanted to learn. But my Gram, who was always willing to teach me crafts didn’t knit or crochet (I can do plastic canvas crafts like a  boss though!), and my Mum-Mum who did knit flat-out refused to teach me because I’m left-handed. Yes, you read that right. She always saw that as a “handicap” of some sort, that barred me from learning how to knit apparently.

Well, it isn’t. It isn’t even a blip on the radar, as knitting is ambidextrous by nature. I am doing it “right-handed” because it feels natural to me. Just like I shoot a rifle, throw a ball, drive, shoot a camera, use my mouse at my computer, etc right-handed. The thing about being a leftie is that life makes you learn some things right-handed just by the way they’re made. For example, you can’t use a camera with your left hand, the shutter release is on the right side. I can’t use my mouse with my left hand, because I type with that hand (and it feels friggin’ weird!). Needlepoint, and plastic canvas, full leftie there. You get the idea. So, she could have taught me just like any right hander, but I don’t think it even occurred to her. Anyhow, back to the reasoning.

I found myself in another gaming slump. But My hands always need something to do. That something was my phone, which honestly isn’t that entertaining. I hate most mobile games except Solitaire. And to be honest, I am tired of having my face directed at a screen 24/7. Computer, Phone, TV. But my brain craves a manual hobby, so I decided to jump into knitting. And crochet. And eventually probably needle felting too. I’m far from good at it, I’m not even close to starting a project. But I’ve gotten through casting on, knit stitch, and I’m working on Purl and binding off until I build the muscle memory. It keeps me busy, and the kitten adds an extra challenge!

Gratuitous Kitten Pic!

Such pretty eyes

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